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Globasnitz Hemmaberg Pilgermuseum

Baptism and Resurrection Baptism and Resurrection


The Apse of the Memorial Church and Confirmation Church has been reproduced in a smaller version and reconstructed on the basis of archaeological observations and antique depiction. Originally, mortal remains of a saint were kept under the altar. On the basis of old photos and sketches, Franz Glaser managed to do the mosaic drawing.

Book of Revelation

As, according to the Book of Revelation, the soul of the holy martyr is already in the heaven before the Last Judgement, believers wanted to be buried as close to the saint as possible. Due to this, one of the church donors was given the grave in the very vicinity of the holy martyr’s bones.


In 1906, parts of the mosaics from the Baptistery were cut out and laid into a concrete. Consequently, larger mosaic surfaces remaining in this place were lost. However, Franz Glaser managed to reconstruct some of the ornaments in drawing on the basis of photos and sketches.

Burial Chapel mosaic

The Burial Chapel mosaic donated by a church donor shows the denseness of ornaments. During services, prayers were always said for the donors in order to honour their memories in the Christian community.